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Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Alright!! alright!! i'm back.. with more pictures!! lol... and guess what? my mum made me go for

a makeover session.. and... these are the pictures.. lol.. btw... by doing this i might be advertising

for SNAPZ pte ltd.. they were the ones who styled my hair and took my pictures.. lol.. so if you

guys are interested.. plz come forward and look for me.... coz... my mum is a member there.. -.-.

so bros!! i have a free photoshoot session... why not we go take some photos to "keep" the past? ITS FREE.. lolz.....

BTW .. i apologise for not updating my blog for soooo long.. i've got no new topics to talk about.. so sorry... but for the time being.. i'll just randomly post pictures...

PS... if you guys dun like the above pictures... tell me.. i will change to anyother pictures except for me.. lol!!

thescarthatlasts @ 6:02 AM
"Sorry also must exprain"

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

This is Kelvin blogging 4 KC here.

I wonder if anybody still reads this lazy man's blog.

Pls tag!!

Encourage him!!!

Tell him 2 get his lazy bum on the chai and start blogging!!!


The Wordsmith @ 5:30 AM
"Sorry also must exprain"

Friday, December 01, 2006

Yo guys!! i'm finally able to blog again!!!!

hhmmm.. but before i go on. i suggest that you guys should read my captions also instead of just

looking at the pictures.. if not.. i might as well make an online photo album instead of blog?! LOL

OC HAS FINISHED!!!! the day we had to wear formal..... and the room we presented in is in the japanese cultural room!!

first up.... jafaar's group!! (please send me more pictures)
(they were doing on Singpore's air defences)

wah seh! jafaar looks like a lecturer to me sia!! looks professional! xD

thats(from the right) Marcos,Fid and Jeev..

(They were doing on the evolution of planes)

following on the next lesson.. the batch of groups to present!!

the Wright BROTHERS(obviously because their topic is on the wright brothers!! haha)

Up first... Ming Xuan!!Boss!!

台客!!! Z !!(我爱台妹~~台妹爱我~~)Next!!! My groups turn!!

(military aircrafts past and present!!)

first up!! ME!!!
Mark( apparently, he was doing a bad pose when his picture was taken..you see he will always do this pose when he "thinks")
Clement (hail hitler!.. just kidding)
Last but not least!! Eugene!!
and.. during our Q&A(all of us)

Next up! its Zakiyyah,Mahera,Wayne and Alvin!!

(doing on main airliners against budget airlines)

First up!! Zakiyyah!!(The first time i see her wear a skirt.. AND she told me its her FIRST time wearing it after she have bought it!! xD)
Followed by Mahera

Alvin!!!(shiying take note arhz.. xD..joking joking)

last but not least........ Wayne!!

consisting of Poh Loong,Derrick and Gary( doing on air diasasters)

Noticed something about poh loong's shirt?


(as poh LOONG came without a shirt and a empty mind, our good friend poh LIM lend him his shirt. xD!!)

so from a handsome man to KAMPONG BOY! xD

He was kind enough to lend me hold the bow xD


Gary presenting

Derrick presenting

(from here on are random images taken after OC)

(we look like the YAKUZA sia... with BOSS in the center... xD)

Our volunter camera man Safwan!!( you can contact KEL to learn more on camera skills if you want to xD)

xD!!!!! (&*$%^&$%#^) gAHahAHha!!!

thescarthatlasts @ 9:06 AM
"Sorry also must exprain"

Saturday, November 18, 2006

Yo Guys! i am back!! mUHAhaHA And YES!! with more interesting pictures i took!

but i wanna inform all people that, Poh lim and poh loong has more or less became my lead

actors during video, as most of the lame , stupid,crazy,funny,super funny things are done by


wah seh, on Thursday, we had a 3 hour break! So my class and i decided to go Vivo city to hang

around. When we were there, we saw this HOT couple!! WOOTS!!

Naurally, i took my phone out to capture the scene.
wah lau ehz~ in couple suits !!
wanna know their identity? xD

oei oei!! disgusting lahz!!! %&$&

We were at candy empire and apparently, poh lim.........

..... like nv see kitkat before like that... xD.. jkjk

well, after walking around Vivo, it was time to go back to school again... as usuall....

we broke in again!!! GAHahHAhaA

here are some pictures i wanna share... please feel happy for them

P.S if i have offended anybody .. please let me know.. i will apologise openly.. i did
this all for the sake fun and laughter.. i really hope i have not offened anbody with
these candid pictures i took.. plz let me know if i really offended you.. thanks ^.^

(Poh lim... you siao liao lahz.. your gf see these pictures how?) LOL

thescarthatlasts @ 7:08 AM
"Sorry also must exprain"

Sunday, October 29, 2006

Another day in school.. another day i find out what idiots in my school(not my class) can do..

What more can i say...

Anyway.. my class went for OC later..OC A.K.A 100% just-do-your-presentation

Anyway,We were taking turns to present a dry run through of your IDEAS module during OC

and we were to go in a sequence via our index number...

Well.. apparently.. Clement being the last few.. got bored so..........

hmmm.. whats with that expression..
oic... he was playing with eugene's eraser and balloon.....


After our IDEAS .... we proceeded to canteen 4... ate our lunch... and went to class...

as we reached class early again... the door's lock.. so we obviously wanted to break into the

classroom again! but this time with a different method with Wayne climbling thorugh the

windows and opening it from the inside.. But sadly.. i was not able to capture his movements..

dunno where his photo went to.. sorry Wayne!

We broke in.. but cannot on the lights. without the teacher's pass.. so the room was dark.. but

cooling.. so everyone got sleepy...especially our class stuntman who recently broke his arm.. Poh


so as he was sleeping.. my video lead actor... for he shall not be named(as he didn't want to)

decided to play a little prank on him..

apparently.. Poh loong's bag is called browny.. but the class named it Huimin.

By any chance if theres a Huimin out there reading my post.. plz dun get angry because it's just

a name randomly thought out by my class..

So while Poh loong was sleeping... (he who shall not be named) did this...

well.. Poh loong woke up instantanously and soon followed by a stream of vulgarities came

flowing out of his mouth...

after that.. was serious studying and nothing interesting happened..

On friday , my group and i went to Clement's house to do project....

We were concentrating so much on our project that it was already 2 hourse pass lunch time and

all of us got hungry..

So Clement.. being the warm host offered to make pizza and garlic bread for us!! WOOOoOOTS

Us:"A.... thanks arhz Clement... hope it is not too toublesome for you"

Clement:"Nah.. its ok.. i'm hungry too :) "

He inserted the pizza and garlic bread into the oven,set the dial and came back to join the project


20 mins past

Mark:"A... Clement arhz... your pizza..... Abit long to WARM up hor..."

Eugene:"Ya hor.. we totally forgotten about the pizza........................Whats that smell?!"

Clement:"........SHIT!!! SHIT SHIT SHIT SHIT SHIT!!!!"

Me: -.-........ there goes.. o.o


thescarthatlasts @ 5:01 AM
"Sorry also must exprain"

Hello Uncle...Bah Chor Mee one. I want chilli plus tur Kwa plus can I watch your CCTV playback of Jeff Lopez...=D

Name: Kenneth Cheng aka Nakamura Shun
Course: Aeronautical Engineering (SP)
Occupation: Student/Musician
D.O.B: 11/09/1989

BahChorMeeMan Says:
Mee pok dry ah? Dowan chilli ah? Anything else?


J. Lopez Says:
Wait... This has tur kwa in it?
But I said I didn't want tur kwa!


Man Utd Site
Shi Ying
Jef jafaar
ling wei
j-chan's blog
j-chan's pictures
Han Wen

BahChorMeeMan Says:
You come over here.. I show you the CCTV camera of my stall


September 2006
October 2006

BahChorMeeMan Says:
Can see that u neh'er say dowan tur kwa?
Huh? Huh? HUH?

Brought to you by:

J. Lopez:
Please accept my sincere apologies if my actions caused distress or confusion to you, the BahChorMeeMan

Best Suited in:
-Internet connections(duh!)
-Internet Explorer 6
-Mozilla Firefox

BahChorMeeMan Says:
Move on?
Move on your si lang tau ah...My shop always here, okay?
But sorry must oso exprain..