Sunday, October 29, 2006
What more can i say... Anyway.. my class went for OC later..OC A.K.A 100% just-do-your-presentation Anyway,We were taking turns to present a dry run through of your IDEAS module during OC and we were to go in a sequence via our index number... Well.. apparently.. Clement being the last few.. got bored so.......... CAN YOU LEAVE THAT DAMN THING ALONE?! After our IDEAS .... we proceeded to canteen 4... ate our lunch... and went to class... as we reached class early again... the door's lock.. so we obviously wanted to break into the classroom again! but this time with a different method with Wayne climbling thorugh the windows and opening it from the inside.. But sadly.. i was not able to capture his movements.. dunno where his photo went to.. sorry Wayne! We broke in.. but cannot on the lights. without the teacher's pass.. so the room was dark.. but cooling.. so everyone got sleepy...especially our class stuntman who recently broke his arm.. Poh loong... so as he was sleeping.. my video lead actor... for he shall not be named(as he didn't want to) decided to play a little prank on him.. apparently.. Poh loong's bag is called browny.. but the class named it Huimin. By any chance if theres a Huimin out there reading my post.. plz dun get angry because it's just a name randomly thought out by my class.. So while Poh loong was sleeping... (he who shall not be named) did this... well.. Poh loong woke up instantanously and soon followed by a stream of vulgarities came flowing out of his mouth... after that.. was serious studying and nothing interesting happened.. On friday , my group and i went to Clement's house to do project.... We were concentrating so much on our project that it was already 2 hourse pass lunch time and all of us got hungry.. So Clement.. being the warm host offered to make pizza and garlic bread for us!! WOOOoOOTS Us:"A.... thanks arhz Clement... hope it is not too toublesome for you" Clement:"Nah.. its ok.. i'm hungry too :) " He inserted the pizza and garlic bread into the oven,set the dial and came back to join the project discussion. 20 mins past Mark:"A... Clement arhz... your pizza..... Abit long to WARM up hor..." Eugene:"Ya hor.. we totally forgotten about the pizza........................Whats that smell?!" Clement:"........SHIT!!! SHIT SHIT SHIT SHIT SHIT!!!!" Me: -.-........ there goes.. o.o
Another day in school.. another day i find out what idiots in my school(not my class) can do..
hmmm.. whats with that expression..
oic... he was playing with eugene's eraser and balloon.....
thescarthatlasts @ 5:01 AM
"Sorry also must exprain"
Friday, October 20, 2006
not bad not all like that arhz.. xD apparently.. 01 was having a fight.. so our kay poh king TPL-tan poh loong did this to check out the fight.. -.- haha .. later on in the day... as our engineering maths lecturer did not come as she was ill.. most of the ppl in our buddy class 01.. did not go for the class AFTER e maths.. -.- so many ppl! swee boh.. no wonder so mny of them get As sia.. die liaos die liaoz.. white hair T.T That was what happened on thursday.. This was what happened today(friday).. its a short day... so boring things happens.. a... a... a.... watch porn arhz huh?? huh??! huh?!??!?! and ending off my post.. with ZUL... in his funny shirts.... he likes to wear funny shirts
wooots! my friends are trying to imitate me!! took picture of me while i was in the toilet!!
apparently... there were 4..... xD.. while my class... wah seh..sooo..... we used the internet!!
no thank you.. but thanks for asking..
thescarthatlasts @ 10:30 AM
"Sorry also must exprain"
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
DENESH BLOCKED MY ANGLE!!! AND WTF IS HE LOOKING TOWARDS MY PHONE WITH THOSE EYES?!basket! oh well.. my lecturer went to serious business after that and no more funny actions..!! T.T Well, the good thing was he broke us off for lunch earlier!! and these are some photos taken! Apparently.. Poh loong was trying to teach the cleaning aunty other ways to earn money.. I mean serious jobs.. not prostitution or anything.. he was quite serious.. xD Then.. as we stepped out of food court.. the place where we have been eating.. We saw some posters with bright backgrouds and cute chars.. which obviously attracted your attention.. but to our horror(2nd time for me for the day!!) Whats up with HOW HARD CAN YOU BLOW?! JUST NEXT TO IT... Wtf? the school actually allows this kind of posters?! I THINK POH LOONG CAN DO BETTER! then we went to out next class earlier than the required time.. so.. apparently the class was locked.. so our class 1 and only locksmith MARK.. opened the door or us using steel rulers! Well.. apparently.. clement is at the window because Mark has already opened the door with his rulers while i was in the toilet.. so i have to request him to 'pose' for me.. xD P.S Clement looked like a ghost or something through the window.. it gives me the creeeeps man... Here is a picture showing the door that has already been opened when i came out of the toilet.. damn! Well the lecture was pretty much the same.. which this time i cannot fool around.. as serious and important modules are being taught requires seriousness from me! xD last but not least.. On the way home.. i saw opl-boss on the opposite side of the train platform with his gf.. so i made use of the opportunity to snap a photo but.. the result is.............. a... boss.. tell your gf relax lahz.. see where her hand was.. wah liew... xD KIDDNG BOSS!! i was just kidding!!! P.S if i have offended anybody .. please let me know.. i will apologise openly.. i did this all for the sake fun and laughter.. i really hope i have not offened anbody with these candid pictures i took.. plz let me know if i really offended you.. thanks ^.^
WooOooTS~!! a START of another stressful day!! but made interesting by
classmates of mine who always balance up stress with fun!!
I started the day with thermofluids practical.. and the lecturer is DAMN
ECCENTRIC!! DAMN his movements are so fast that i failed to capture his YI YANG
ZHI!!.. basically it was he pointing the middle finger lahz.. but he was doing it in
such a hilarious way !! Imagine a 40+ near age 50 guy trying to do gongfu moves
while pointing the middle finger at the same time!! xD
I tried to take a picture of him doing some funny actions while trying to listen to him
explain the notes and also to copy notes at the same time..
THEN!! my chance came!! He was doing some weird moves on how to excercise .. i
took a picture of it.. and TO MY HORROR!!! I SEE THIS AFTER I TOOK THE
xD opl-boss.. stuffing his mouth with food
thescarthatlasts @ 5:58 AM
"Sorry also must exprain"
Saturday, October 14, 2006
mUAHhaHA .. took this picture during our break... obviously... mark didn't not know whats happening... A... the lesson began.. but.. it was quite boring though.. so... apparently... poh loong was still sleeping even after the lecturer has entered.. aaa.. note where the lecturer is pointing at... xD a... jafaar can be excused... he is injured... torn his ligament while playing in SP's street soccor competition.. thats our muscle man of 1B02 in the foreground with our pang seh king in the back ground sleeping. while the rest played games at the back.....whats the name of the game again safwan? xD a.... last picture.. boss after his nap...a.... damn power sia.. slp short while.. batt recharge full sia...some more next lesson is engineering maths... ai seh..
A.... i really feel that i have the talent to be in a paparrazi team lor!! mUHAhaHA take a look at
these pictures!!
bottom are pictures taken from another lecture during a break..thats opl-boss... otsukaresamadeshita ne?
(standard) english from here on.
Well.. i short introduction of my class,1B02.They might be slping or playing during
the breaks, or even making unnecessary noises in class.They all hit As with a twitch
of an eye brown and a simple blink of the eye.Which means.... I'LL GROW MORE
Will introduce each of my 1B02 classmates one by one on the next post.. xD stay
thescarthatlasts @ 8:51 AM
"Sorry also must exprain"
Friday, October 13, 2006
they were playing fifa world cup.. and... the results from it are... while the spectators.. hmmm after the games.. some of us went up to the 2nd lvl to enjoy some air-con.... reactions..
HEY!! alamak!! i just noticed i took pictures from the chalet lahz! xD
I'll start by the group which started playing the Xbox instantly when we went to chalet...and
they seems to be happy/gay... but it just... looks wrong.. maybe its not their 'picture' day..
thescarthatlasts @ 9:22 AM
"Sorry also must exprain"
Thursday, October 12, 2006
Hmmm.. how should i put it.. today is a fun/happy and sad day...
Today... it reminded me about her... its her birthday today.. i couldn't help myself.. but to look
through the letters she wrote to me... knowing that i will surely be even more upset after
reading her letters... i couldn't resist myself as it is the only way i can remember her.... again..
Met up with Geraldine today at hougang mrt station b4 going to macs at kovan to meet ai leng
and jace to study jap... due to the fact that today is JAP TEST!!! wOoOTS
suppose to teach hanson.. but he ended up talking rather than studying.. haha
hmmm well jap test was easy... bought myself a handphone pouch coz... my handphone cover
looks exactly like a condom.. basket...
came back.. msged her... to send her my birthday wishes to her... but... no replies... haiz.. sad..
my mood for tonight... completely destroyed....
thescarthatlasts @ 7:24 AM
"Sorry also must exprain"
Sunday, October 01, 2006
1) How old do you wish you were?A year older..basket!! i can drive a car already!! all i need is a F**KING LICENSE to drive legally on the damn bloody road!.
2) Where were you when 9/11 happened?. Basket.. i was celebrating my 12th birthday when the news was showing osama lighting the biggest candle in my life..
3) What do you do when vending machines steal your money? hmmm... well... i would start cursing and swearing.. knocking and kicking the machine(hope that it respond to it)... if it does not... curse and again while taking out coins again to buy the drinks..
4) Do you consider yourself kind? well.. i am so kind that sometimes people take advantage of me..
5) If you had to get a tattoo, where would it be?hmmm... on my back..
6) If you could be fluent in any other language, what would it be? hmmm.. i wanna be fluent in alien language... so i can speak to them when they finally visits us...
7) Do you know your neighbours?WELL OFCOZ!! there is this prtty girl just next door to me.. and.. ya.. :D
8) What do you consider a vacation? Going overseas... er.. build professional aircraft models !!
9) Do you follow your horoscope?Only sometimes..
10) Would you move for the person you loved?More likely the person i love will come over to my place to stay lahz!! my place so convienient!! got hougang mall.. got bus interchange!! got hougang MRT station some more!! wah liew!!
11) Are you touchy feely?nope.. nv in my life unless i'm gay..(which i am not)
12) Do you believe that opposites attract?If opposites dun attract.. what will happen to the world population?!!??!?!??!
13) Dream job? well.. i am not as dirty minded as KEL.. so i am getting straight to the point.. its either to be a pilot for any commercial airlines .. to be a successfull businessman or keep my life low as a air craft engineer...
14) Favourite channel(s)? chn 18 star world... er... chn 58 and 60 if they are showing my favourite movies.. and chn 56 ..showing all famous taiwan varieties shows!!
15) Favourite place to go on weekends?Home.. granny's place.. my the other granny's place er... does the toilet count? coz i drink lots of water... that means the toilet is a frequent place for me to go to ... so much so that .. i think it has become my favourite place to go liaoz..
16) Showers or baths?Showers! cannot take bath... my dad will kill me after he sees the water bills
17) Do you paint your nails?never
18) Do you trust people easily?No
19) What are your phobias?hmmm pretty much the same.. i'm homophobic.. i hate gays...
20) Do you want kids?i sure do.. haha.. if you dun wanna have kids.. you will have 1 lesser excuse to perform *er hem with your wife!
21) Do you keep a handwritten journal?Nope. Too lazy.
22) Where would you rather be now?HOME!!! (*this is home~~ truely!! where i know i MUST be...)
23) Who makes you warm and fuzzy?My dog? she got lots of fur.. which make me damn warm at night when she sleeps with me... fuzzy is also because she shed her furs which then stick onto me.. which makes me feel... very very fuzzy...
.24) Heavy or light sleeper?mixture of both? depends on my schedule.. if i have lots of time.. i'll be a heavy 1... but if i have not time.. a power nap is more than enough..
.25) Are you paranoid? dunno how to answer....
26) Are you impatient?depends on my mood.. or the sex of the person i am waiting for..
27) Who can you relate to?My granny!!
.28) How do you feel about interracial couples?hmm.. their kids always seem to look nicer ... hmm.. jap girls ..
29) Have you been burned by love?ohhh... yar .. got 3rd degrees burns from it.. quite serious..
30) What's your pick up line? DOWAN LEHZ~~~ * tap tap tap tap(tapping of the foot.. acting sia lan)
31) What's your main ringtone on your mobile?Bananas in pajamas..
32) What were you doing at midnight last night?i was watching keroro gunso! while chatting with KEL.....
33) What did the last text on your mobile say?happy children's day.. you are never too old?
34) Whose bed did you sleep in last night?My bed.
35) What colour shirt are you wearing?Black..
36) Most recent movie you watched?The banqout..
37) Name three thing you have on at all times.My specs? er... my brain... my cloths unless i take a shower..
38) What colour are your bedsheets?its currently blue currently.. i hope kel dun kill me.. coz my reds are in washing.. xD
39) How much cash do you have right now?DOWAN TO SAY LEHZ~~~~*tap tap tap tap tap
40) What is your favourite part of the chicken?chicken drum stick!
41) What's your favourite town/city?Japan Tokyo!
42) I can't wait till1) Payday2) School ends3) I can go over and play guitar with KEL and Ah Ye4) The world ends 5) Aliens 6)The day i meet god 7)The day osama is caught so that every one in the world can brutally toture him..
43) What did you have for last night?i had this thai crusine at sembawang lahz.. its damn nice!! sugoi!
44) How tall are you barefoot?175
45) Do you own a gun?well.. hell yea! would not be what i am today without it!! mUHAh i bet kel's a fake..he got his from thailand.. xD judt kidding buddy..
46) What do you prefer to drink in the morning?COFFEE!! i neeeeeeeeed myyyy coooooooffffffffffffeeeee!!!!!
47) Where do you think you will be in 10 years?In Singapore.. maybe in a big office.. or maybe in a big hanger... or!!! flying somewhere around earth..
48) Last thing you ate?well... i accidentally swallowed some toothpaste.. does that count?
49) What songs do you sing in the shower?Only when i recall the event during my chalet.. (JUST BEAT IT!~~~~~ BEAT IT!!!! BEAT IT~~~~~ BEAT ITTTTTTT!~~~~~)
50) Last thing that made you laugh?when i was watching keroro..
51) Worst injury you ever had? Ai seh.. even the thought of it brought back the pains to me.. i was racing down a very very steep slope with my friend..(not kel)... due to initial and stuffs.. he manage to catch up with me..(he is pretty fat)... and he shoved me!! basket!! my bike went out of controll.. and i flipped out of my bike and rolled down the hill.. only to find out a big hole on my knee when i've stopped rolling.. wah lau eh.. the cut was so deep that i was able to see my knee cap moving lahz!!
52) Does someone have a crush on you?Not that i know of..
53) What's your favourite candy?dun really like candy..
54) What song did you want played at your funeral? 'Always lok on the bright side of life' *whistle~~~ *whistle whistle whistle~~'Always look on the bright side of life'~~~*whistle~~*whistle whistle whsitle~~~
55) 8 people to do this! er.. i seriously do not encourage people to do this.. but er.. anyone who've read this... if you're interested.. i will not stop you .. ;).
thescarthatlasts @ 6:41 PM
"Sorry also must exprain"
Name: Kenneth Cheng aka Nakamura Shun BahChorMeeMan Says: Tagbox J. Lopez Says: Links Man Utd Site BahChorMeeMan Says: Archives BahChorMeeMan Says: Brought to you by: J. Lopez: Best Suited in: BahChorMeeMan Says:
Course: Aeronautical Engineering (SP)
Occupation: Student/Musician
D.O.B: 11/09/1989
Mee pok dry ah? Dowan chilli ah? Anything else?
Wait... This has tur kwa in it?
But I said I didn't want tur kwa!
Shi Ying
Jef jafaar
ling wei
j-chan's blog
j-chan's pictures
Han Wen
You come over here.. I show you the CCTV camera of my stall
Can see that u neh'er say dowan tur kwa?
Huh? Huh? HUH?
Please accept my sincere apologies if my actions caused distress or confusion to you, the BahChorMeeMan
-Internet connections(duh!)
-Internet Explorer 6
-Mozilla Firefox
Move on?
Move on your si lang tau ah...My shop always here, okay?
But sorry must oso exprain..